1. I’ve used a variable for the Accept header but Touchstone is rejecting my TestScript on upload. Touchstone only supports variables in these TestScript.operation elements: encodeRequestUrl, params, requestHeader.value, and url. If you need a dynamic header like Accept or ContentType you can define it manually using variables in the Operation.requestHeader element:

        <field value="Accept"/>
        <value value="application/fhir+${accept}"/>
  1. I want to use the validateProfileId asserts but I don’t know what IGs are supported. If your organization has a custom validator in Touchstone refer to Updating Validators to see how to view and add validation packages to your validator. Otherwise the list of IGs supported in the base Validators is avaliable here

  2. My private authorization tokens are visible to unauthorized users. As authors of test scripts that involve authorization, please test access to testscript execution data and confirm that OAuth2-sensitive data (like access tokens) is hidden from unauthorized users. To hide OAuth2-related fixtures and rule parameters within operation and assertion executions on Test Script Execution screen from other users, reference the fixtures (sourceId/responseId in operation) and rule parameters with names that begin with “oauth2”, “openId”, “jwks”, “idToken”, or “accessToken” as appropriate. Touchstone will hide the data from everyone except the executor of the test execution when the prefixes (listed above) are used.

  3. I am receiving a “Nothing to assert” error when I run test/assert extensions. Be sure to declare support for the touchstone IG using the following declaration:

        <profile value="http://touchstone.aegis.net/touchstone/fhir/testing/StructureDefinition/testscript"/>
  1. I am receiving “Stack Trace:” exception errors or unexpected false evaluations when using assert FHIRPath expressions containing literal or variables containing date, dateTime or time typed values. Please refer to the FHIRPath (Literals) specification regarding the use of literal values in FHIRPath expressions; i.e. Date, DateTime and Time.

    The FHIR TestScript defines support for FHIRPath expressions in the following elements: TestScript.variable.expression TestScript.setup.action.assert.compareToSourceExpression TestScript.setup.action.assert.expression.

    Examples of FHIRPath expressions with literal or variables containing date, dateTime or time values within TestScript expression elements:

        <description value="Evaluate Patient.birthDate equivalent against literal date value"/>
        <expression value="Patient.birthDate ~ @1995-06-11"/>
        <warningOnly value="false"/>
        <description value="Evaluate Patient.birthDate equivalent against variable 'd-birthDate' date value"/>
        <expression value="Patient.birthDate ~ @${d-birthDate}"/>
        <warningOnly value="false"/>
        <description value="Evaluate Patient.birthDate extension dateTime equivalent against variable 'dt-birthTime' dateTime value"/>
        <expression value="Patient.birthDate.extension.where(url = 'http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/patient-birthTime').value ~ @${dt-birthTime}"/>
        <warningOnly value="false"/>
        <description value="Evaluate Patient.birthDate extension dateTime convert to Time only equivalent against variable 't-birthTime' time value (note use of 'T' in prefix)"/>
        <expression value="Patient.birthDate.extension.where(url = 'http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/patient-birthTime').value.toTime() ~ @T${t-birthTime}"/>
        <warningOnly value="false"/>
  1. I am having issues with fixtures in my HL7-V2 TestScripts at runtime saying that the formats are incorrect. The HL7-V2 specification requires that an HL7-V2 message consists of one or more segments. Each segment is displayed on a different line of text. A carriage return character (r, which is 0D in hexadecimal) separates one segment from another. The Minimal Lower Layer Protocol (MLLP) defines the leading and trailing delimiters for an HL7 message. The MLLP Protocol sends and receives a vertical tab to start, and a carriage return and file separator to end. Make sure that the content format of your HL7-V2 fixtures is not being altered before upload to Touchstone. In particular, if your TestScripts are being pulled from a repository before you are uploading to Touchstone, make sure that the content format is not being altered.