Conformance Suites

Test Groups allow one or more test scripts to form a unit that can be executed together as a batch.


Conformance Suites allow one or more of those test groups to form a unit for tracking conformance of test systems to a specification.



Conformance Suites can be accessed here or by navigating to Conformance / Suites menu link:

../_images/suites_menu_a1.png ../_images/conformance_suites_a2.png
  • Owned By – The organization that is maintaining the Conformance Suite definition.

  • Validator – The AEGIS Validator that is used to validate request and response payloads in test script executions within the suite.

  • Categorization – If a Conformance Suite is composed of more than one test group, then Categorization is required and interaction counts will be aggregated based on the Categorization definition.

  • Test Groups – The list of test groups that form the Conformance Suite.

  • Anchor System
    • If the suite is a Server suite, then the Anchor System will be a Client system that all Server SUTs will use for test executions so conformance results would be consistent in the suite.

    • If the suite is a Client suite, then the Anchor System will be a Server system that all Client SUTs will use for test executions so conformance results would be consistent in the suite.

  • Filters: Supported – If checked, users will be offered the Supported by CapabStmt checkbox on conformance results screens. They would be able to filter results by supported interactions in the capability statement in addition to the default (All):

  • Filters: Formats – If checked, users will be offered the Format dropdown on conformance results screens. They would be able to filter results by individual formats (JSON / XML) in addition to the default (All):

  • Publishable – If checked, users will be offered the option of publishing conformance results. Those results along with the associated test executions would become publicly accessible if published.


Launching Executions

To select a given Conformance Suite (for execution), you can click on the name of the suite on the Conformance Suites page:


That takes you to the Current (Conformance) screen which is covered in the next section.