Validator Testing

The Test Definitions in Touchstone indicate to users which Validator(s) are associated to a Test Script. Validators are associated to a Test Script at the time the script is uploaded to Touchstone. The Validator column in Test Definitions will indicate if the Test Script is associated to a single (blue arrow) or multiple validators (red arrow).


These differences can also be seen at test setup.

  • With just one Validator selected:
  • With multiple Validators selected:


Test Scripts within a Test Setup must all have the same default Validator(s).


While any Test Editor can set the Base Specification Validator when uploading Test Scripts, only users that have the IGV Package Uploader Role will have the ability to view and select a custom Validator.

Validators for a Test Script or Test Script group can be set at either upload or edit. Regardless of whether a single or multiple validators are selected during upload, all artifacts within the upload package will have the selected Validator(s) associated to them.

Base Specification Validators are chosen from the Validator drop-down, and if any additional Validators are available for that Base Specification Validator, they will be listed below that selection with a checkbox to select.

  • Selecting a Base Spec Validator. Note that one Validator is selected in the drop down menu and none of the Additional TestSetup Validators are checked.
  • Selecting multiple Validators. Note that the Additional TestSetup Validators are checked to give the tester options at test setup.