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Test Script Version Description Content Tests Validator
Plan-Net-1-1-0/PlanNetProvDir-XML/03-Query/dv-pdex-r4-03-PlanNet-03-Query-99-MinData-xml 1 Da Vinci - PDex - FHIR R4 - Scenario 03 PlanNet - Query - Search for resources that conform to the PlanNet Endpoint, Location, HealthcareServices, InsurancePlan, Network, Organization, OrganizationAffiliation, Practitioner, and PractitionerRole profiles. This test will query for up to 100 of each of the resource types and require that at least 5 are returned, then using the returned resource data, verify all references within the returned response. XML 18 FHIR 4.0.1 Da Vinci
Plan-Net-1-1-0/PlanNetProvDir-XML/03-Query/dv-pdex-r4-03-PlanNet-03-Query-09-practitionerrole-xml 1 Da Vinci - PDex - FHIR R4 - Scenario 03 PlanNet - Query - Search for all Practioner Roles and validate that they conform to the PlanNet PractitionerRole profile. XML 19 FHIR 4.0.1 Da Vinci
Plan-Net-1-1-0/PlanNetProvDir-XML/03-Query/dv-pdex-r4-03-PlanNet-03-Query-08-practitioner-xml 1 Da Vinci - PDex - FHIR R4 - Scenario 03 PlanNet - Query - Search for all Practitioners and validate the response is conformant to the PlanNet-Practitioner profile. XML 9 FHIR 4.0.1 Da Vinci
Plan-Net-1-1-0/PlanNetProvDir-XML/03-Query/dv-pdex-r4-03-PlanNet-03-Query-07-organizationaffiliation-xml 1 Da Vinci - PDex - FHIR R4 - Scenario 03 PlanNet - Query - Search for all Organization Affliations and validate that they conform to the PlanNet OrganizationAffiliation profile. XML 19 FHIR 4.0.1 Da Vinci
Plan-Net-1-1-0/PlanNetProvDir-XML/03-Query/dv-pdex-r4-03-PlanNet-03-Query-06-organization-xml 1 Da Vinci - PDex - FHIR R4 - Scenario 03 PlanNet - Query - Search for all Organizations and validate that they conform to the PlanNet Organization profile. XML 18 FHIR 4.0.1 Da Vinci
Plan-Net-1-1-0/PlanNetProvDir-XML/03-Query/dv-pdex-r4-03-PlanNet-03-Query-05-network-xml 1 Da Vinci - PDex - FHIR R4 - Scenario 03 PlanNet - Query - Search for all Network Organizations and validate that they conform to the PlanNet Network profile. XML 14 FHIR 4.0.1 Da Vinci
Plan-Net-1-1-0/PlanNetProvDir-XML/03-Query/dv-pdex-r4-03-PlanNet-03-Query-04-insuranceplan-xml 1 Da Vinci - PDex - FHIR R4 - Scenario 03 PlanNet - Query - Search for all Insurance Plans and validate that they conform to the PlanNet HealthcareService profile. XML 15 FHIR 4.0.1 Da Vinci
Plan-Net-1-1-0/PlanNetProvDir-XML/03-Query/dv-pdex-r4-03-PlanNet-03-Query-03-healthcareservice-xml 1 Da Vinci - PDex - FHIR R4 - Scenario 03 PlanNet - Query - Search for all Healthcare Services and validate that they conform to the PlanNet HealthcareService profile. XML 19 FHIR 4.0.1 Da Vinci
Plan-Net-1-1-0/PlanNetProvDir-XML/03-Query/dv-pdex-r4-03-PlanNet-03-Query-02-location-xml 1 Da Vinci - PDex - FHIR R4 - Scenario 03 PlanNet - Query - Search for all Locations and validate that they conform to the PlanNet Location profile. XML 20 FHIR 4.0.1 Da Vinci
Plan-Net-1-1-0/PlanNetProvDir-XML/03-Query/dv-pdex-r4-03-PlanNet-03-Query-01-endpoint-xml 1 Da Vinci - PDex Plan Net 1.1.0 - FHIR R4 - Scenario 03 PlanNet - Query - Search for resources that conform to the PlanNet Endpoint profile. This test will query for up to 100 Endpoint resources and require that at least 1 is returned, then using the returned resource data, build queries back to the server, expecting at least one matching resource to each query. XML 7 FHIR 4.0.1 Da Vinci