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Test Script Version Description Content Tests Validator
Capabilities/fhir-api-r4-capabilities-01-metadata 1 FHIR API R4 (v3.5.0) Advanced Operation Tests - Capability Metadata test suite against a single server to verify support for the capabilities interaction 'HTTP GET metadata' and the return of a valid CapabilityStatement resource. XML 2 FHIR 3.5.0
Patient/01-read/fhir-api-r4-patient-read-01-found 1 FHIR API R4 (v3.5.0) Advanced Operation Tests - Patient read test suite against a single server for a known, valid resource instance. All tests perform the read operation for a specified Patient resource id representing a known valid Patient. Assertions test all required and optional response HTTP Headers and validate the returned payload. XML 13 FHIR 3.5.0
Patient/01-read/fhir-api-r4-patient-read-02-notfound 1 FHIR API R4 (v3.5.0) Advanced Operation Tests - Patient read test suite against a single server for a known, not found resource instance. All tests perform the read operation for a specified Patient resource id representing a unknown Patient. Assertions test all required and optional response HTTP Headers and validate the returned payload. XML 2 FHIR 3.5.0
Patient/01-read/fhir-api-r4-patient-read-03-deleted 1 FHIR API R4 (v3.5.0) Advanced Operation Tests - Patient read test suite against a single server for a known, deleted resource instance. All tests perform the read operation for a specified Patient resource id representing a known valid Patient where the current version is deleted. Assertions test all required and optional response HTTP Headers and validate the returned payload. XML 2 FHIR 3.5.0
Patient/01-read/fhir-api-r4-patient-read-04-conditional-found-notmodified 2 FHIR API R4 (v3.5.0) Advanced Operation Tests - Patient conditional read test suite against a single server for a known, valid resource instance. All tests perform the read operation for a specified Patient resource id representing a known valid Patient. Assertions test all required and optional response HTTP Headers and validate the returned payload. XML 8 FHIR 3.5.0
Patient/01-read/fhir-api-r4-patient-read-05-conditional-notfound 2 FHIR API R4 (v3.5.0) Advanced Operation Tests - Patient conditional read test suite against a single server for a known, not found resource instance. All tests perform the read operation for a specified Patient resource id representing a unknown Patient. Assertions test all required and optional response HTTP Headers and validate the returned payload. XML 8 FHIR 3.5.0
Patient/01-read/fhir-api-r4-patient-read-06-conditional-deleted 2 FHIR API R4 (v3.5.0) Advanced Operation Tests - Patient conditional read test suite against a single server for a known, deleted resource instance. All tests perform the read operation for a specified Patient resource id representing a known valid Patient where the current version is deleted. Assertions test all required and optional response HTTP Headers and validate the returned payload. XML 8 FHIR 3.5.0
Patient/02-vread/fhir-api-r4-patient-vread-01-found 1 FHIR API R4 (v3.5.0) Advanced Operation Tests - Patient vread test suite against a single server for a known, valid resource instance. All tests perform the read operation for a specified Patient resource id representing a known valid Patient. Assertions test all required and optional response HTTP Headers and validate the returned payload. XML 7 FHIR 3.5.0
Patient/02-vread/fhir-api-r4-patient-vread-02-notfound 1 FHIR API R4 (v3.5.0) Advanced Operation Tests - Patient vread test suite against a single server for a known, not found resource instance. All tests perform the read operation for a specified Patient resource id and version id representing an unknown Patient. Assertions test all required and optional response HTTP Headers and validate the returned payload. XML 2 FHIR 3.5.0
Patient/02-vread/fhir-api-r4-patient-vread-03-deleted 1 FHIR API R4 (v3.5.0) Advanced Operation Tests - Patient vread test suite against a single server for a known, deleted resource instance. All tests perform the read operation for a specified Patient resource id representing a known valid Patient where the specified version is deleted. Assertions test all required and optional response HTTP Headers and validate the returned payload. XML 2 FHIR 3.5.0