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Test Script Version Description Content Tests Validator
XML Format/Subsumes/terminology-c25-subsumes-snomed-01-ok-get-xml 1 CodeSystem $subsumes tests against known SNOMED codes where the expected outcome is a successful response with a valid outcome code value. All $subsumes operations are performed using the FHIR Operation Framework HTTP GET method. XML 4 FHIR 4.0.1
XML Format/Subsumes/terminology-c25-subsumes-snomed-02-ok-post-code-xml 1 CodeSystem $subsumes tests against known SNOMED codes where the expected outcome is a successful response with a valid outcome code value. All $subsumes operations are performed using the FHIR Operation Framework HTTP POST method with Parameters of system, codeA and codeB. XML 4 FHIR 4.0.1
XML Format/Subsumes/terminology-c25-subsumes-snomed-03-ok-post-coding-xml 1 CodeSystem $subsumes tests against known SNOMED codes where the expected outcome is a successful response with a valid outcome code value. All $subsumes operations are performed using the FHIR Operation Framework HTTP POST method with Parameters of system, codingA and codingB. XML 4 FHIR 4.0.1
XML Format/Subsumes/terminology-c25-subsumes-snomed-04-notok-get-xml 1 CodeSystem $subsumes tests against known and unknown SNOMED codes where the expected outcome is a failure response with a returned OperationOutcome. All $subsumes operations are performed using the FHIR Operation Framework HTTP GET method. XML 6 FHIR 4.0.1
XML Format/Subsumes/terminology-c25-subsumes-snomed-05-notok-post-code-xml 1 CodeSystem $subsumes tests against known and unknown SNOMED codes where the expected outcome is a failure response with a returned OperationOutcome. All $subsumes operations are performed using the FHIR Operation Framework HTTP POST method with Parameters of system, codeA and codeB. XML 6 FHIR 4.0.1
XML Format/Subsumes/terminology-c25-subsumes-snomed-06-notok-post-coding-xml 1 CodeSystem $subsumes tests against known and unknown SNOMED codes where the expected outcome is a failure response with a returned OperationOutcome. All $subsumes operations are performed using the FHIR Operation Framework HTTP POST method with Parameters of system, codingA and codingB. XML 6 FHIR 4.0.1
XML Format/Translate/terminology-c25-translate-01-ok-get-xml 1 ConceptMap $translate tests against known FHIR code systems where the expected outcome is a successful response with a matched code value from the target system. All $translate operations are performed using the FHIR Operation Framework HTTP GET method. XML 2 FHIR 4.0.1
XML Format/Translate/terminology-c25-translate-02-ok-post-code-xml 1 ConceptMap $translate tests against known FHIR code systems where the expected outcome is a successful response with a matched code value from the target system. All $translate operations are performed using the FHIR Operation Framework HTTP POST method with Parameters of code, system, source and target. XML 2 FHIR 4.0.1
XML Format/Translate/terminology-c25-translate-03-ok-post-coding-xml 1 ConceptMap $translate tests against known FHIR code systems where the expected outcome is a successful response with a matched code value from the target system. All $translate operations are performed using the FHIR Operation Framework HTTP POST method with Parameters of coding, source and target. XML 2 FHIR 4.0.1
XML Format/Translate/terminology-c25-translate-04-notok-get-xml 1 ConceptMap $translate tests against known and unknown FHIR code systems where the expected outcome is a failure response with a returned OperationOutcome. All $translate operations are performed using the FHIR Operation Framework HTTP GET method. XML 3 FHIR 4.0.1