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  • Records 21 - 30 of 132
Test Script Version Description Content Tests Validator
Patient-02-Formal/FHIRClient/06-PatientSearching/patient-formal-c23-fhirclient-06-search-json 2 Patient Track - Formal Testing - tests external FHIR Client and Server to search a JSON formatted Patient with minimum data elements: identifier, name.family, name.given, gender and birthDate. The origin and destination systems must support the search operation and Patient search parameters: identifier, family and given. XML 1 FHIR 4.0.1
Patient-02-Formal/FHIRClient/06-PatientSearching/patient-formal-c23-fhirclient-06-search-xml 2 Patient Track - Formal Testing - tests external FHIR Client and Server to search a XML formatted Patient with minimum data elements: identifier, name.family, name.given, gender and birthDate. The origin and destination systems must support the search operation and Patient search parameters: identifier, family and given. XML 1 FHIR 4.0.1
Patient-02-Formal/FHIRClient/07-PatientDeletion/patient-formal-c23-fhirclient-07-delete-json 2 Patient Track - Formal Testing - tests external FHIR Client and Server to delete Patient with the optional response content in JSON format. The origin and destination systems must support the delete operation. The destination system must also support the read operation to verify the deletion. XML 1 FHIR 4.0.1
Patient-02-Formal/FHIRClient/07-PatientDeletion/patient-formal-c23-fhirclient-07-delete-xml 2 Patient Track - Formal Testing - tests external FHIR Client and Server to delete Patient with the optional response content in XML format. The origin and destination systems must support the delete operation. The destination system must also support the read operation to verify the deletion. XML 1 FHIR 4.0.1
Patient-02-Formal/FHIRServer/01-RegisterPatient/patient-formal-c23-fhirserver-01-register-client-id-json 2 Patient Track - Formal Testing - tests FHIR Server using the JSON format to register (create) a Patient resource instance where the client assigns the resource id. The destination server must support conditional create using the update (PUT) operation and conditional delete to insure the Patient resource does not exist or is removed prior to test execution. XML 1 FHIR 4.0.1
Patient-02-Formal/FHIRServer/01-RegisterPatient/patient-formal-c23-fhirserver-01-register-client-id-xml 2 Patient Track - Formal Testing - tests FHIR Server using the XML format to register (create) a Patient resource instance where the client assigns the resource id. The destination server must support conditional create using the update (PUT) operation and conditional delete to insure the Patient resource does not exist or is removed prior to test execution. XML 1 FHIR 4.0.1
Patient-02-Formal/FHIRServer/01-RegisterPatient/patient-formal-c23-fhirserver-01-register-server-id-json 2 Patient Track - Formal Testing - tests FHIR Server using the JSON format to register (create) a Patient resource instance where the server assigns the resource id. The destination server must support the create (POST) operation, search operation and conditional delete to insure the Patient resource does not exist or is removed prior to test execution. XML 1 FHIR 4.0.1
Patient-02-Formal/FHIRServer/01-RegisterPatient/patient-formal-c23-fhirserver-01-register-server-id-xml 2 Patient Track - Formal Testing - tests FHIR Server using the XML format to register (create) a Patient resource instance where the server assigns the resource id. The destination server must support the create (POST) operation, search operation and conditional delete to insure the Patient resource does not exist or is removed prior to test execution. XML 1 FHIR 4.0.1
Patient-02-Formal/FHIRServer/02-PatientUpdate/patient-formal-c23-fhirserver-02-update-client-id-json 2 Patient Track - Formal Testing - tests FHIR Server using the JSON format to update a Patient resource instance created in the test setup where the client assigns the resource id. The destination server must support conditional create using the update (PUT) operation, read, update and delete to insure the Patient resource does not exist or is removed prior to test execution. XML 1 FHIR 4.0.1
Patient-02-Formal/FHIRServer/02-PatientUpdate/patient-formal-c23-fhirserver-02-update-client-id-xml 2 Patient Track - Formal Testing - tests FHIR Server using the XML format to update a Patient resource instance created in the test setup where the client assigns the resource id. The destination server must support conditional create using the update (PUT) operation, read, update and delete to insure the Patient resource does not exist or is removed prior to test execution. XML 1 FHIR 4.0.1