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  • Records 11 - 14 of 14
Test Script Version Description Content Tests Validator
CDSH1-R4-Patient-View/01-Patient-View/dv-pv-r4-patient-view-01-with-encounterId 2 Da Vinci - Patient-View - CDS Hooks 1.0 - FHIR R4 - with encounterId - Execute the patient-view hook service (default format JSON) with a known valid Encounter Id; validate the CDS Hooks server returns a 200(OK) response with a valid card payload. XML 1 FHIR 4.0.1
CDSH1-R4-Patient-View/00-PV-Discovery/dv-pv-r4-discovery-patient-view 2 Da Vinci - Patient-view - CDS Hooks 1.0 - FHIR R4 - Discovery - Patient-View - Check for patient-view hook service (default format JSON); validate the CDS Hooks server returns a valid list of services that contain the required and conditionally recommended fields. The focus of this test is correct client behavior. XML 1 FHIR 4.0.1
CDSH1-0-FR4-0-1-Test/CRD-General/00-Discovery/dv-crd-r4-discovery-crd-ext-client 4 CDS Hooks 1.0 - FHIR R4 v4.0.0 - Discovery - Check for CRD Extensions - Client (default format JSON); validate the CDS Hooks server returns a valid list of services that contain the required and conditionally recommended fields; also conditionally check for the specific CRD hooks and optional CRD extensions. The focus of this test is correct client behavior. XML 1 FHIR 4.0.1
CDSH1-0-FR4-0-1-Test/CRD-General/00-Discovery/dv-crd-r4-discovery-base-client 3 CDS Hooks 1.0 - FHIR R4 v4.0.0 - Discovery - Client (default format JSON); validate the CDS Hooks server returns a valid list of services that contain the required and conditionally recommended fields. The focus of this test is correct client behavior. XML 1 FHIR 4.0.1