AEGIS Touchstone Testing Implementation Guide

This is the Version 1.1.0 Release of the Touchstone Testing Implementation Guide, based on FHIR Version 4.0.1. See the Directory of published versions

CodeSystem: codesystem-testscript-operation-codes

This code system defines the following codes:

get GETPerform an HTTP GET method
oauth2-authorize OAuth2 AuthorizeOAuth2 auth endpoint
oauth2-get-token OAuth2 Get TokenOAuth2 token endpoint
oauth2-refresh-token OAuth2 Refresh TokenOAuth2 refresh endpoint
oauth2-register OAuth2 Client RegistrationOAuth2 register endpoint
oauth2-revoke-token OAuth2 Revoke TokenOAuth2 revoke endpoint
patch PATCHPerform an HTTP PATCH method.
post POSTPerform an HTTP POST method.
smart-launch SMART on FHIR LaunchSMART on FHIR Launch