Test Script

DescriptionDa Vinci Capabilities Metadata test against a single server to verify support for the capabilities interaction 'HTTP GET metadata' and the return of a valid CapabilityStatement resource in JSON format.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<TestScript xmlns="http://hl7.org/fhir">  
    <id value="dv-deqm-r3-capabilities-01-metadata-json"/>  
    <url value="http://wildfhir.aegis.net/fhir3-0-1/TestScript/dv-deqm-r3-capabilities-01-metadata-json"/>  
    <name value="Da Vinci - DEQM - FHIR STU3 - Capabilities Metadata - JSON"/>  
    <status value="active"/>  
    <date value="2019-05-23"/>  
    <publisher value="AEGIS.net, Inc."/>  
        <name value="Touchstone Support"/>  
            <system value="email"/>  
            <value value="Touchstone_Support@aegis.net"/>  
            <use value="work"/> 
    <description value="Da Vinci Capabilities Metadata test against a single server to verify support for the capabilities interaction 'HTTP GET metadata' and the return of a valid CapabilityStatement resource in JSON format."/>  
    <copyright value="(c) AEGIS.net, Inc. 2019"/>  
    <profile id="capabilities-profile"> 
        <reference value="http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/CapabilityStatement"/> 
    <test id="01-CapabilitiesMetadataJSON"> 
        <name value="CapabilitiesMetadataJSON"/>  
        <description value="Execute the HTTP GET metadata capabilities operation with HTTP Header Accept set to JSON format and no request URL parameters defined. Expected response is 200 (OK) and content of a valid CapabilityStatement resource in JSON format. Support for the MRP operations will be validated."/>  
                    <system value="http://touchstone.com/fhir/testscript-operation-codes-extended"/>  
                    <code value="metadata"/> 
                <description value="HTTP GET metadata capabilities operation with HTTP Header Accept set to JSON format and no request URL parameters defined."/>  
                <accept value="json"/>  
                <contentType value="none"/>  
                <encodeRequestUrl value="true"/>  
                <params value="metadata"/> 
                <description value="Confirm that the returned HTTP status is 200(OK)."/>  
                <direction value="response"/>  
                <responseCode value="200"/> 
                <description value="Confirm that the returned HTTP Header Content-Type is present."/>  
                <direction value="response"/>  
                <headerField value="Content-Type"/>  
                <operator value="notEmpty"/> 
                <description value="Confirm that the returned HTTP Header Content-Type contains the FHIR mime-type 'application/fhir+json'."/>  
                <direction value="response"/>  
                <headerField value="Content-Type"/>  
                <operator value="contains"/>  
                <value value="application/fhir+json"/> 
                <description value="Confirm that the returned HTTP Header Content-Type contains 'charset=utf-8'."/>  
                <direction value="response"/>  
                <headerField value="Content-Type"/>  
                <operator value="contains"/>  
                <value value="charset=utf-8"/>  
                <warningOnly value="true"/> 
                <description value="Confirm that the returned HTTP Header ETag is present. Warning only as FHIR servers SHOULD return this header."/>  
                <direction value="response"/>  
                <headerField value="ETag"/>  
                <operator value="notEmpty"/>  
                <warningOnly value="true"/> 
                <description value="Confirm that the returned resource type is CapabilityStatement."/>  
                <direction value="response"/>  
                <resource value="CapabilityStatement"/> 
                <description value="Confirm that the returned CapabilityStatement conforms to the base FHIR specification."/>  
                <direction value="response"/>  
                <validateProfileId value="capabilities-profile"/> 
                <description value="Confirm that the returned CapabilityStatement resource minimally contains the declaration of a RESTful server."/>  
                <direction value="response"/>  
                <expression value="CapabilityStatement.rest.where(mode = 'server').exists()"/> 