Test Script

Name/FHIR4-0-1-Connectathon24/Terminology-Formal/JSON Format/Subsumes/terminology-c24-subsumes-snomed-01-ok-get-json
DescriptionCodeSystem $subsumes tests against known SNOMED codes where the expected outcome is a successful response with a valid outcome code value. All $subsumes operations are performed using the FHIR Operation Framework HTTP GET method.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<TestScript xmlns="http://hl7.org/fhir">  
    <id value="terminology-c24-subsumes-snomed-01-ok-get-json"/>  
        <profile value="http://touchstone.aegis.net/touchstone/fhir/testing/StructureDefinition/testscript"/> 
        <status value="generated"/>  
        <div xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
            <p>FHIR Connectathon 24 - Terminology Services - Subsumes - SNOMED - OK - GET - JSON</p>
    <url value="http://wildfhir.aegis.net/fhir4-0-0/TestScript/terminology-c24-subsumes-snomed-01-ok-get-json"/>  
    <name value="FHIRC24TerminologySubsumesSNOMEDOKGETJSON"/>  
    <title value="FHIR Connectathon 24 - Terminology Services - Subsumes - SNOMED - OK - GET - JSON"/>  
    <status value="active"/>  
    <date value="2020-04-24"/>  
    <publisher value="AEGIS.net, Inc."/>  
        <name value="Touchstone Support"/>  
            <system value="email"/>  
            <value value="Touchstone_Support@aegis.net"/>  
            <use value="work"/> 
    <description value="CodeSystem $subsumes tests against known SNOMED codes where the expected outcome is a successful response with a valid outcome code value. All $subsumes operations are performed using the FHIR Operation Framework HTTP GET method."/>  
    <copyright value="(c) AEGIS.net, Inc. 2019"/>  
    <profile id="ParametersProfile"> 
        <reference value="http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/Parameters"/> 
    <test id="01-SNOMED-SubsumedBy"> 
        <name value="SNOMED-SubsumedBy"/>  
        <description value="Subsumes test for SNOMED system and code using HTTP GET; 3738000 (viral hepatitis) subsumed-by 235856003(disorder of the liver). Expected response is 200 (OK) with a Parameters payload containing the outcome code subsumed-by."/>  
                    <system value="http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/testscript-operation-codes"/>  
                    <code value="subsumes"/> 
                <resource value="CodeSystem"/>  
                <description value="CodeSystem $subsumes operation for SNOMED system and code for outcome of subsumed-by."/>  
                <accept value="json"/>  
                <encodeRequestUrl value="true"/>  
                <params value="/$subsumes?system=http://snomed.info/sct&amp;codeA=3738000&amp;codeB=235856003"/> 
                <description value="Confirm that the returned HTTP status is 200(OK)."/>  
                <direction value="response"/>  
                <response value="okay"/>  
                <warningOnly value="false"/> 
                <description value="Confirm that the returned format is JSON. Warning only to allow for review."/>  
                <direction value="response"/>  
                <contentType value="json"/>  
                <warningOnly value="true"/> 
                <description value="Confirm that the returned resource type is Parameters."/>  
                <direction value="response"/>  
                <resource value="Parameters"/>  
                <warningOnly value="false"/> 
                <description value="Confirm that the returned Parameters resource type conforms the base FHIR specification."/>  
                <direction value="response"/>  
                <validateProfileId value="ParametersProfile"/>  
                <warningOnly value="false"/> 
                <description value="Confirm that the returned Parameters resource contains the expected parameter name with value of outcome."/>  
                <direction value="response"/>  
                <operator value="equals"/>  
                <path value=".parameter[0].name"/>  
                <value value="outcome"/>  
                <warningOnly value="false"/> 
                <description value="Confirm that the returned Parameters resource contains the expected parameter valueCode with value of subsumed-by."/>  
                <direction value="response"/>  
                <operator value="equals"/>  
                <path value=".parameter[0].valueCode"/>  
                <value value="subsumed-by"/>  
                <warningOnly value="false"/> 
    <test id="02-SNOMED-Subsumes"> 
        <name value="SNOMED-Subsumes"/>  
        <description value="Subsumes test for SNOMED system and code using HTTP GET; 235856003(disorder of the liver) subsumes 3738000 (viral hepatitis). Expected response is 200 (OK) with a Parameters payload containing the outcome code subsumes."/>  
                    <system value="http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/testscript-operation-codes"/>  
                    <code value="subsumes"/> 
                <resource value="CodeSystem"/>  
                <description value="CodeSystem $subsumes operation for SNOMED system and code for outcome of subsumes."/>  
                <accept value="json"/>  
                <encodeRequestUrl value="true"/>  
                <params value="/$subsumes?system=http://snomed.info/sct&amp;codeA=235856003&amp;codeB=3738000"/> 
                <description value="Confirm that the returned HTTP status is 200(OK)."/>  
                <response value="okay"/>  
                <warningOnly value="false"/> 
                <description value="Confirm that the returned format is JSON. Warning only to allow for review."/>  
                <contentType value="json"/>  
                <warningOnly value="true"/> 
                <description value="Confirm that the returned resource type is Parameters."/>  
                <resource value="Parameters"/>  
                <warningOnly value="false"/> 
                <description value="Confirm that the returned Parameters resource type conforms the base FHIR specification."/>  
                <validateProfileId value="ParametersProfile"/>  
                <warningOnly value="false"/> 
                <description value="Confirm that the returned Parameters resource contains the expected parameter name with value of outcome."/>  
                <direction value="response"/>  
                <operator value="equals"/>  
                <path value=".parameter[0].name"/>  
                <value value="outcome"/>  
                <warningOnly value="false"/> 
                <description value="Confirm that the returned Parameters resource contains the expected parameter valueCode with value of subsumes."/>  
                <direction value="response"/>  
                <operator value="equals"/>  
                <path value=".parameter[0].valueCode"/>  
                <value value="subsumes"/>  
                <warningOnly value="false"/> 
    <test id="03-SNOMED-NotSubsumed"> 
        <name value="SNOMED-NotSubsumed"/>  
        <description value="Subsumes test for SNOMED system and code using HTTP GET; 399211009 (History of myocardial infarction) is not subsumed by 22298006 (Myocardial infarction). Expected response is 200 (OK) with a Parameters payload containing the outcome code not-subsumed."/>  
                    <system value="http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/testscript-operation-codes"/>  
                    <code value="subsumes"/> 
                <resource value="CodeSystem"/>  
                <description value="CodeSystem $subsumes operation for SNOMED system and code for outcome of not-subsumed."/>  
                <accept value="json"/>  
                <encodeRequestUrl value="true"/>  
                <params value="/$subsumes?system=http://snomed.info/sct&amp;codeA=399211009&amp;codeB=22298006"/> 
                <description value="Confirm that the returned HTTP status is 200(OK)."/>  
                <response value="okay"/>  
                <warningOnly value="false"/> 
                <description value="Confirm that the returned format is JSON. Warning only to allow for review."/>  
                <contentType value="json"/>  
                <warningOnly value="true"/> 
                <description value="Confirm that the returned resource type is Parameters."/>  
                <resource value="Parameters"/>  
                <warningOnly value="false"/> 
                <description value="Confirm that the returned Parameters resource type conforms the base FHIR specification."/>  
                <validateProfileId value="ParametersProfile"/>  
                <warningOnly value="false"/> 
                <description value="Confirm that the returned Parameters resource contains the expected parameter name with value of outcome."/>  
                <direction value="response"/>  
                <operator value="equals"/>  
                <path value=".parameter[0].name"/>  
                <value value="outcome"/>  
                <warningOnly value="false"/> 
                <description value="Confirm that the returned Parameters resource contains the expected parameter valueCode with value of not-subsumed."/>  
                <direction value="response"/>  
                <operator value="equals"/>  
                <path value=".parameter[0].valueCode"/>  
                <value value="not-subsumed"/>  
                <warningOnly value="false"/> 
    <test id="04-SNOMED-Equivalent"> 
        <name value="SNOMED-Equivalent"/>  
        <description value="Subsumes test for SNOMED system and code using HTTP GET; 399211009 (History of myocardial infarction) is equivalent to 399211009 (History of myocardial infarction). Expected response is 200 (OK) with a Parameters payload containing the outcome code equivalent."/>  
                    <system value="http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/testscript-operation-codes"/>  
                    <code value="subsumes"/> 
                <resource value="CodeSystem"/>  
                <description value="CodeSystem $subsumes operation for SNOMED system and code for outcome of equivalent."/>  
                <accept value="json"/>  
                <encodeRequestUrl value="true"/>  
                <params value="/$subsumes?system=http://snomed.info/sct&amp;codeA=399211009&amp;codeB=399211009"/> 
                <description value="Confirm that the returned HTTP status is 200(OK)."/>  
                <response value="okay"/>  
                <warningOnly value="false"/> 
                <description value="Confirm that the returned format is JSON. Warning only to allow for review."/>  
                <contentType value="json"/>  
                <warningOnly value="true"/> 
                <description value="Confirm that the returned resource type is Parameters."/>  
                <resource value="Parameters"/>  
                <warningOnly value="false"/> 
                <description value="Confirm that the returned Parameters resource type conforms the base FHIR specification."/>  
                <validateProfileId value="ParametersProfile"/>  
                <warningOnly value="false"/> 
                <description value="Confirm that the returned Parameters resource contains the expected parameter name with value of outcome."/>  
                <direction value="response"/>  
                <operator value="equals"/>  
                <path value=".parameter[0].name"/>  
                <value value="outcome"/>  
                <warningOnly value="false"/> 
                <description value="Confirm that the returned Parameters resource contains the expected parameter valueCode with value of equivalent."/>  
                <direction value="response"/>  
                <operator value="equals"/>  
                <path value=".parameter[0].valueCode"/>  
                <value value="equivalent"/>  
                <warningOnly value="false"/> 