Test Script

DescriptionFHIR API STU3 Advanced Operation Tests - Patient read test suite against a single server for a known, valid resource instance. All tests perform the read operation for a specified Patient resource id representing a known valid Patient. Assertions test all required and optional response HTTP Headers and validate the returned payload.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<TestScript xmlns="http://hl7.org/fhir">  
    <id value="fhir-api-stu3-patient-read-01-found"/>  
        <status value="generated"/>  
        <div xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">  
            <p>FHIR API STU3 - Patient Read Found Resource Suite</p> 
    <url value="http://wildfhir.aegis.net/fhir3-0-1/TestScript/fhir-api-stu3-patient-read-01-found"/>  
    <name value="FHIR API STU3 - Patient Read Found Resource Suite"/>  
    <status value="active"/>  
    <date value="2017-06-30"/>  
    <publisher value="AEGIS.net, Inc."/>  
        <name value="Touchstone Support"/>  
            <system value="email"/>  
            <value value="Touchstone_Support@aegis.net"/>  
            <use value="work"/> 
    <description value="FHIR API STU3 Advanced Operation Tests - Patient read test suite against a single server for a known, valid resource instance. All tests perform the read operation for a specified Patient resource id representing a known valid Patient. Assertions test all required and optional response HTTP Headers and validate the returned payload."/>  
    <copyright value="© AEGIS.net, Inc. 2015+"/>  
            <required value="true"/>  
            <description value="Read Operation"/>  
            <link value="http://hl7.org/fhir/STU3/http.html#read"/>  
                <reference value="./_reference/capabilities/PatientRead.xml"/> 
    <fixture id="resource-read-json-min"> 
            <reference value="./_reference/resources/Patient-read-json-min.json"/> 
    <fixture id="resource-read-xml-min"> 
            <reference value="./_reference/resources/Patient-read-xml-min.xml"/> 
    <profile id="resource-profile"> 
        <reference value="http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/Patient"/> 
        <name value="ValidPatientResourceId"/>  
        <description value="Enter a resource id for a valid Patient resource on the destination system."/>  
        <hint value="[Valid Resource Id]"/> 
    <rule id="RulePatientSummaryTrue"> 
            <reference value="./_reference/rule/response/body/PatientSummaryTrue.groovy"/> 
    <rule id="RulePatientSummaryData"> 
            <reference value="./_reference/rule/response/body/PatientSummaryData.groovy"/> 
    <rule id="RulePatientSummaryText"> 
            <reference value="./_reference/rule/response/body/PatientSummaryText.groovy"/> 
    <ruleset id="ruleset-versioning-headers"> 
            <reference value="/FHIRCommon/_reference/ruleset/RuleSet-VersioningHeaders-Groovy.xml"/> 
            <ruleId value="assertETagIfSupported"/>  
                <name value="resource"/>  
                <value value="Patient"/> 
            <ruleId value="assertLastModifiedIfSupported"/>  
                <name value="resource"/>  
                <value value="Patient"/> 
    <test id="01-ReadFoundNoHeadersAndNoParameters"> 
        <name value="ReadFoundNoHeadersAndNoParameters"/>  
        <description value="Test the read operation with no sent HTTP Headers and no sent parameters defined. The expected response content is the found Patient resource in either JSON or XML format as neither was explicitly requested."/>  
                    <system value="http://hl7.org/fhir/testscript-operation-codes"/>  
                    <code value="read"/> 
                <resource value="Patient"/>  
                <description value="Patient read operation with no sent HTTP Headers and no sent request URL parameters defined."/>  
                <accept value="none"/>  
                <contentType value="none"/>  
                <params value="/${ValidPatientResourceId}"/> 
                <description value="Confirm that the returned HTTP status is 200(OK)."/>  
                <direction value="response"/>  
                <responseCode value="200"/> 
                <description value="Confirm that the returned HTTP Header Content-Type is present only. The response content mime type is unknown and the server is expected to set this header by default."/>  
                <direction value="response"/>  
                <headerField value="Content-Type"/>  
                <operator value="notEmpty"/> 
                <description value="Complex ruleset assertion to conditionally validate expected versioning HTTP Headers."/>  
                <direction value="response"/>  
                    <rulesetId value="ruleset-versioning-headers"/> 
                <warningOnly value="true"/> 
                <description value="Confirm that the returned resource type is Patient."/>  
                <direction value="response"/>  
                <resource value="Patient"/> 
                <description value="Confirm that the returned Patient conforms to the base FHIR specification."/>  
                <direction value="response"/>  
                <validateProfileId value="resource-profile"/> 
    <test id="02-ReadFoundJSONNoParameters"> 
        <name value="ReadFoundJSONNoParameters"/>  
        <description value="Test the read operation with HTTP Header Accept set to JSON format and no request URL parameters defined. The expected response content is the found Patient resource in JSON format."/>  
                    <system value="http://hl7.org/fhir/testscript-operation-codes"/>  
                    <code value="read"/> 
                <resource value="Patient"/>  
                <description value="Patient read operation with HTTP Header Accept set to JSON format and no request URL parameters defined."/>  
                <accept value="json"/>  
                <contentType value="none"/>  
                <params value="/${ValidPatientResourceId}"/> 
                <description value="Confirm that the returned HTTP status is 200(OK)."/>  
                <direction value="response"/>  
                <responseCode value="200"/> 
                <description value="Confirm that the returned HTTP Header Content-Type is present."/>  
                <direction value="response"/>  
                <headerField value="Content-Type"/>  
                <operator value="notEmpty"/> 
                <description value="Confirm that the returned HTTP Header Content-Type contains the FHIR mime-type 'application/fhir+json'."/>  
                <direction value="response"/>  
                <headerField value="Content-Type"/>  
                <operator value="contains"/>  
                <value value="application/fhir+json"/> 
                <description value="Confirm that the returned HTTP Header Content-Type contains 'charset=utf-8' (case-insensitive)."/>  
                <direction value="response"/>  
                <headerField value="Content-Type"/>  
                <operator value="contains"/>  
                <value value="charset=utf-8"/> 
                <description value="Complex ruleset assertion to conditionally validate expected versioning HTTP Headers."/>  
                <direction value="response"/>  
                    <rulesetId value="ruleset-versioning-headers"/> 
                <warningOnly value="true"/> 
                <description value="Confirm that the returned resource type is Patient."/>  
                <direction value="response"/>  
                <resource value="Patient"/> 
                <description value="Confirm that the returned Patient conforms to the base FHIR specification."/>  
                <direction value="response"/>  
                <validateProfileId value="resource-profile"/> 
                <description value="Confirm that the returned Patient contains the minimum JSON format."/>  
                <direction value="response"/>  
                <minimumId value="resource-read-json-min"/> 
    <test id="03-ReadFoundXMLNoParameters"> 
        <name value="ReadFoundXMLNoParameters"/>  
        <description value="Test the read operation with HTTP Header Accept set to XML format and no request URL parameters defined. The expected response content is the found Patient resource in XML format."/>  
                    <system value="http://hl7.org/fhir/testscript-operation-codes"/>  
                    <code value="read"/> 
                <resource value="Patient"/>  
                <description value="Patient read operation with HTTP Header Accept set to XML format and no request URL parameters defined."/>  
                <accept value="xml"/>  
                <contentType value="none"/>  
                <params value="/${ValidPatientResourceId}"/> 
                <description value="Confirm that the returned HTTP status is 200(OK)."/>  
                <direction value="response"/>  
                <responseCode value="200"/> 
                <description value="Confirm that the returned HTTP Header Content-Type is present."/>  
                <direction value="response"/>  
                <headerField value="Content-Type"/>  
                <operator value="notEmpty"/> 
                <description value="Confirm that the returned HTTP Header Content-Type contains the FHIR mime-type 'application/fhir+xml'."/>  
                <direction value="response"/>  
                <headerField value="Content-Type"/>  
                <operator value="contains"/>  
                <value value="application/fhir+xml"/> 
                <description value="Confirm that the returned HTTP Header Content-Type contains 'charset=utf-8' (case-insensitive)."/>  
                <direction value="response"/>  
                <headerField value="Content-Type"/>  
                <operator value="contains"/>  
                <value value="charset=utf-8"/> 
                <description value="Complex ruleset assertion to conditionally validate expected versioning HTTP Headers."/>  
                <direction value="response"/>  
                    <rulesetId value="ruleset-versioning-headers"/> 
                <warningOnly value="true"/> 
                <description value="Confirm that the returned resource type is Patient."/>  
                <direction value="response"/>  
                <resource value="Patient"/> 
                <description value="Confirm that the returned Patient conforms to the base FHIR specification."/>  
                <direction value="response"/>  
                <validateProfileId value="resource-profile"/> 
                <description value="Confirm that the returned Patient contains the minimum XML format."/>  
                <direction value="response"/>  
                <minimumId value="resource-read-xml-min"/> 
    <test id="04-ReadFoundJSONAcceptCharsetNoParameters"> 
        <name value="ReadFoundJSONAcceptCharsetNoParameters"/>  
        <description value="Test the read operation with HTTP Header Accept set to application/fhir+json and Accept-Charset set to utf-8 and no request URL parameters defined. The expected response content is the found Patient resource in JSON format."/>  
                    <system value="http://hl7.org/fhir/testscript-operation-codes"/>  
                    <code value="read"/> 
                <resource value="Patient"/>  
                <description value="Patient read operation with HTTP Header set to application/fhir+json and Accept-Charset set to utf-8 and no request URL parameters defined."/>  
                <contentType value="none"/>  
                <params value="/${ValidPatientResourceId}"/>  
                    <field value="Accept"/>  
                    <value value="application/fhir+json"/> 
                    <field value="Accept-Charset"/>  
                    <value value="utf-8"/> 
                <description value="Confirm that the returned HTTP status is 200(OK)."/>  
                <direction value="response"/>  
                <responseCode value="200"/> 
                <description value="Confirm that the returned HTTP Header Content-Type is present."/>  
                <direction value="response"/>  
                <headerField value="Content-Type"/>  
                <operator value="notEmpty"/> 
                <description value="Confirm that the returned HTTP Header Content-Type contains the FHIR mime-type 'application/fhir+json'."/>  
                <direction value="response"/>  
                <headerField value="Content-Type"/>  
                <operator value="contains"/>  
                <value value="application/fhir+json"/> 
                <description value="Confirm that the returned HTTP Header Content-Type contains 'charset=utf-8' (case-insensitive)."/>  
                <direction value="response"/>  
                <headerField value="Content-Type"/>  
                <operator value="contains"/>  
                <value value="charset=utf-8"/> 
                <description value="Complex ruleset assertion to conditionally validate expected versioning HTTP Headers."/>  
                <direction value="response"/>  
                    <rulesetId value="ruleset-versioning-headers"/> 
                <warningOnly value="true"/> 
                <description value="Confirm that the returned resource type is Patient."/>  
                <direction value="response"/>  
                <resource value="Patient"/> 
                <description value="Confirm that the returned Patient conforms to the base FHIR specification."/>  
                <direction value="response"/>  
                <validateProfileId value="resource-profile"/> 
                <description value="Confirm that the returned Patient contains the minimum JSON format."/>  
                <direction value="response"/>  
                <minimumId value="resource-read-json-min"/> 
    <test id="05-ReadFoundXMLAcceptCharsetNoParameters"> 
        <name value="ReadFoundXMLAcceptCharsetNoParameters"/>  
        <description value="Test the read operation with HTTP Header Accept set to application/fhir+xml and Accept-Charset set to utf-8 and no request URL parameters defined. The expected response content is the found Patient resource in XML format."/>  
                    <system value="http://hl7.org/fhir/testscript-operation-codes"/>  
                    <code value="read"/> 
                <resource value="Patient"/>  
                <description value="Patient read operation with HTTP Header Accept set to application/fhir+xml and Accept-Charset set to utf-8 and no request URL parameters defined."/>  
                <contentType value="none"/>  
                <params value="/${ValidPatientResourceId}"/>  
                    <field value="Accept"/>  
                    <value value="application/fhir+xml"/> 
                    <field value="Accept-Charset"/>  
                    <value value="utf-8"/> 
                <description value="Confirm that the returned HTTP status is 200(OK)."/>  
                <direction value="response"/>  
                <responseCode value="200"/> 
                <description value="Confirm that the returned HTTP Header Content-Type is present."/>  
                <direction value="response"/>  
                <headerField value="Content-Type"/>  
                <operator value="notEmpty"/> 
                <description value="Confirm that the returned HTTP Header Content-Type contains the FHIR mime-type 'application/fhir+xml'."/>  
                <direction value="response"/>  
                <headerField value="Content-Type"/>  
                <operator value="contains"/>  
                <value value="application/fhir+xml"/> 
                <description value="Confirm that the returned HTTP Header Content-Type contains 'charset=utf-8' (case-insensitive)."/>  
                <direction value="response"/>  
                <headerField value="Content-Type"/>  
                <operator value="contains"/>  
                <value value="charset=utf-8"/> 
                <description value="Complex ruleset assertion to conditionally validate expected versioning HTTP Headers."/>  
                <direction value="response"/>  
                    <rulesetId value="ruleset-versioning-headers"/> 
                <warningOnly value="true"/> 
                <description value="Confirm that the returned resource type is Patient."/>  
                <direction value="response"/>  
                <resource value="Patient"/> 
                <description value="Confirm that the returned Patient conforms to the base FHIR specification."/>  
                <direction value="response"/>  
                <validateProfileId value="resource-profile"/> 
                <description value="Confirm that the returned Patient contains the minimum XML format."/>  
                <direction value="response"/>  
                <minimumId value="resource-read-xml-min"/> 
    <test id="06-ReadFoundXMLFormatParamJSONOverride"> 
        <name value="ReadFoundXMLFormatParamJSONOverride"/>  
        <description value="Test the read operation with HTTP Header Accept set to XML format and the _format request URL parameter set to JSON. The expected response content is the found Patient resource in JSON format as the _format parameter overrides the HTTP Header Accept."/>  
                    <system value="http://hl7.org/fhir/testscript-operation-codes"/>  
                    <code value="read"/> 
                <resource value="Patient"/>  
                <description value="Patient read operation with HTTP Header Accept set to XML format and the _format request URL parameter set to JSON."/>  
                <accept value="xml"/>  
                <contentType value="none"/>  
                <params value="/${ValidPatientResourceId}?_format=application/fhir+json"/> 
                <description value="Confirm that the returned HTTP status is 200(OK)."/>  
                <direction value="response"/>  
                <responseCode value="200"/> 
                <description value="Confirm that the returned HTTP Header Content-Type is present."/>  
                <direction value="response"/>  
                <headerField value="Content-Type"/>  
                <operator value="notEmpty"/> 
                <description value="Confirm that the returned HTTP Header Content-Type contains the FHIR mime-type 'application/fhir+json'."/>  
                <direction value="response"/>  
                <headerField value="Content-Type"/>  
                <operator value="contains"/>  
                <value value="application/fhir+json"/> 
                <description value="Confirm that the returned HTTP Header Content-Type contains 'charset=utf-8' (case-insensitive)."/>  
                <direction value="response"/>  
                <headerField value="Content-Type"/>  
                <operator value="contains"/>  
                <value value="charset=utf-8"/> 
                <description value="Complex ruleset assertion to conditionally validate expected versioning HTTP Headers."/>  
                <direction value="response"/>  
                    <rulesetId value="ruleset-versioning-headers"/> 
                <warningOnly value="true"/> 
                <description value="Confirm that the returned resource type is Patient."/>  
                <direction value="response"/>  
                <resource value="Patient"/> 
                <description value="Confirm that the returned Patient conforms to the base FHIR specification."/>  
                <direction value="response"/>  
                <validateProfileId value="resource-profile"/> 
                <description value="Confirm that the returned Patient contains the minimum JSON format."/>  
                <direction value="response"/>  
                <minimumId value="resource-read-json-min"/> 
    <test id="07-ReadFoundJSONFormatParamXMLOverride"> 
        <name value="ReadFoundJSONFormatParamXMLOverride"/>  
        <description value="Test the read operation with HTTP Header Accept set to JSON format and the _format request URL parameter set to XML. The expected response content is the found Patient resource in XML format as the _format parameter overrides the HTTP Header Accept."/>  
                    <system value="http://hl7.org/fhir/testscript-operation-codes"/>  
                    <code value="read"/> 
                <resource value="Patient"/>  
                <description value="Patient read operation with HTTP Header Accept set to JSON format and the _format request URL parameter set to XML."/>  
                <accept value="json"/>  
                <contentType value="none"/>  
                <params value="/${ValidPatientResourceId}?_format=application/fhir+xml"/> 
                <description value="Confirm that the returned HTTP status is 200(OK)."/>  
                <direction value="response"/>  
                <responseCode value="200"/> 
                <description value="Confirm that the returned HTTP Header Content-Type is present."/>  
                <direction value="response"/>  
                <headerField value="Content-Type"/>  
                <operator value="notEmpty"/> 
                <description value="Confirm that the returned HTTP Header Content-Type contains the FHIR mime-type 'application/fhir+xml'."/>  
                <direction value="response"/>  
                <headerField value="Content-Type"/>  
                <operator value="contains"/>  
                <value value="application/fhir+xml"/> 
                <description value="Confirm that the returned HTTP Header Content-Type contains 'charset=utf-8' (case-insensitive)."/>  
                <direction value="response"/>  
                <headerField value="Content-Type"/>  
                <operator value="contains"/>  
                <value value="charset=utf-8"/> 
                <description value="Complex ruleset assertion to conditionally validate expected versioning HTTP Headers."/>  
                <direction value="response"/>  
                    <rulesetId value="ruleset-versioning-headers"/> 
                <warningOnly value="true"/> 
                <description value="Confirm that the returned resource type is Patient."/>  
                <direction value="response"/>  
                <resource value="Patient"/> 
                <description value="Confirm that the returned Patient conforms to the base FHIR specification."/>  
                <direction value="response"/>  
                <validateProfileId value="resource-profile"/> 
                <description value="Confirm that the returned Patient contains the minimum XML format."/>  
                <direction value="response"/>  
                <minimumId value="resource-read-xml-min"/> 
    <test id="08-ReadFoundJSONSummaryTrue"> 
        <name value="ReadFoundJSONSummaryTrue"/>  
        <description value="Test the read operation with HTTP Header set to JSON format and _summary request URL parameter set to true. The expected response content is the found Patient resource in JSON format with only the defined summary elements. The returned resource should also contain the SUBSETTED tag label."/>  
                    <system value="http://hl7.org/fhir/testscript-operation-codes"/>  
                    <code value="read"/> 
                <resource value="Patient"/>  
                <description value="Patient read operation with HTTP Header set to JSON format and _summary request URL parameter set to true."/>  
                <accept value="json"/>  
                <contentType value="none"/>  
                <params value="/${ValidPatientResourceId}?_summary=true"/> 
                <description value="Confirm that the returned HTTP status is 200(OK)."/>  
                <direction value="response"/>  
                <responseCode value="200"/> 
                <description value="Confirm that the returned HTTP Header Content-Type is present."/>  
                <direction value="response"/>  
                <headerField value="Content-Type"/>  
                <operator value="notEmpty"/> 
                <description value="Confirm that the returned HTTP Header Content-Type contains the FHIR mime-type 'application/fhir+json'."/>  
                <direction value="response"/>  
                <headerField value="Content-Type"/>  
                <operator value="contains"/>  
                <value value="application/fhir+json"/> 
                <description value="Confirm that the returned HTTP Header Content-Type contains 'charset=utf-8' (case-insensitive)."/>  
                <direction value="response"/>  
                <headerField value="Content-Type"/>  
                <operator value="contains"/>  
                <value value="charset=utf-8"/> 
                <description value="Complex ruleset assertion to conditionally validate expected versioning HTTP Headers."/>  
                <direction value="response"/>  
                    <rulesetId value="ruleset-versioning-headers"/> 
                <warningOnly value="true"/> 
                <description value="Confirm that the returned resource type is Patient."/>  
                <direction value="response"/>  
                <resource value="Patient"/> 
                <description value="Confirm that the returned Patient conforms to the base FHIR specification."/>  
                <direction value="response"/>  
                <validateProfileId value="resource-profile"/> 
                <description value="Confirm that the returned Patient contains the minimum JSON format."/>  
                <direction value="response"/>  
                <minimumId value="resource-read-json-min"/> 
                <description value="Confirm that the returned Patient contains the SUBSETTED tag label to indicate the data is not suitable for use in a subsequent update operation."/>  
                <direction value="response"/>  
                <operator value="equals"/>  
                <path value=".meta.tag[?(@.system='http://hl7.org/fhir/v3/ObservationValue')].code"/>  
                <value value="SUBSETTED"/> 
                <description value="Complex rule assertion to evaluate returned Patient and determine if any non-summary elements were returned."/>  
                <direction value="response"/>  
                    <ruleId value="RulePatientSummaryTrue"/> 
    <test id="09-ReadFoundXMLSummaryTrue"> 
        <name value="ReadFoundXMLSummaryTrue"/>  
        <description value="Test the read operation with HTTP Header set to XML format and _summary request URL parameter set to true. The expected response content is the found Patient resource in XML format with only the defined summary elements. The returned resource should also contain the SUBSETTED tag label."/>  
                    <system value="http://hl7.org/fhir/testscript-operation-codes"/>  
                    <code value="read"/> 
                <resource value="Patient"/>  
                <description value="Patient read operation with HTTP Header set to XML format and _summary request URL parameter set to true."/>  
                <accept value="xml"/>  
                <contentType value="none"/>  
                <params value="/${ValidPatientResourceId}?_summary=true"/> 
                <description value="Confirm that the returned HTTP status is 200(OK)."/>  
                <direction value="response"/>  
                <responseCode value="200"/> 
                <description value="Confirm that the returned HTTP Header Content-Type is present."/>  
                <direction value="response"/>  
                <headerField value="Content-Type"/>  
                <operator value="notEmpty"/> 
                <description value="Confirm that the returned HTTP Header Content-Type contains the FHIR mime-type 'application/fhir+xml'."/>  
                <direction value="response"/>  
                <headerField value="Content-Type"/>  
                <operator value="contains"/>  
                <value value="application/fhir+xml"/> 
                <description value="Confirm that the returned HTTP Header Content-Type contains 'charset=utf-8' (case-insensitive)."/>  
                <direction value="response"/>  
                <headerField value="Content-Type"/>  
                <operator value="contains"/>  
                <value value="charset=utf-8"/> 
                <description value="Complex ruleset assertion to conditionally validate expected versioning HTTP Headers."/>  
                <direction value="response"/>  
                    <rulesetId value="ruleset-versioning-headers"/> 
                <warningOnly value="true"/> 
                <description value="Confirm that the returned resource type is Patient."/>  
                <direction value="response"/>  
                <resource value="Patient"/> 
                <description value="Confirm that the returned Patient conforms to the base FHIR specification."/>  
                <direction value="response"/>  
                <validateProfileId value="resource-profile"/> 
                <description value="Confirm that the returned Patient contains the minimum XML format."/>  
                <direction value="response"/>  
                <minimumId value="resource-read-xml-min"/> 
                <description value="Confirm that the returned Patient contains the SUBSETTED tag label to indicate the data is not suitable for use in a subsequent update operation."/>  
                <direction value="response"/>  
                <operator value="equals"/>  
                <path value="Patient/meta/tag[system/@value='http://hl7.org/fhir/v3/ObservationValue']/code"/>  
                <value value="SUBSETTED"/> 
                <description value="Complex rule assertion to evaluate returned Patient and determine if any non-summary elements were returned."/>  
                <direction value="response"/>  
                    <ruleId value="RulePatientSummaryTrue"/> 
    <test id="10-ReadFoundJSONSummaryText"> 
        <name value="ReadFoundJSONSummaryText"/>  
        <description value="Test the read operation with HTTP Header set to JSON format and _summary request URL parameter set to text. The expected response content is the found Patient resource in JSON format with only the narrative text and any mandatory elements. The returned resource should also contain the SUBSETTED tag label."/>  
                    <system value="http://hl7.org/fhir/testscript-operation-codes"/>  
                    <code value="read"/> 
                <resource value="Patient"/>  
                <description value="Patient read operation with HTTP Header set to JSON format and _summary request URL parameter set to text."/>  
                <accept value="json"/>  
                <contentType value="none"/>  
                <params value="/${ValidPatientResourceId}?_summary=text"/> 
                <description value="Confirm that the returned HTTP status is 200(OK)."/>  
                <direction value="response"/>  
                <responseCode value="200"/> 
                <description value="Confirm that the returned HTTP Header Content-Type is present."/>  
                <direction value="response"/>  
                <headerField value="Content-Type"/>  
                <operator value="notEmpty"/> 
                <description value="Confirm that the returned HTTP Header Content-Type contains the FHIR mime-type 'application/fhir+json'."/>  
                <direction value="response"/>  
                <headerField value="Content-Type"/>  
                <operator value="contains"/>  
                <value value="application/fhir+json"/> 
                <description value="Confirm that the returned HTTP Header Content-Type contains 'charset=utf-8' (case-insensitive)."/>  
                <direction value="response"/>  
                <headerField value="Content-Type"/>  
                <operator value="contains"/>  
                <value value="charset=utf-8"/> 
                <description value="Complex ruleset assertion to conditionally validate expected versioning HTTP Headers."/>  
                <direction value="response"/>  
                    <rulesetId value="ruleset-versioning-headers"/> 
                <warningOnly value="true"/> 
                <description value="Confirm that the returned resource type is Patient."/>  
                <direction value="response"/>  
                <resource value="Patient"/> 
                <description value="Confirm that the returned Patient conforms to the base FHIR specification."/>  
                <direction value="response"/>  
                <validateProfileId value="resource-profile"/> 
                <description value="Confirm that the returned Patient contains the minimum JSON format."/>  
                <direction value="response"/>  
                <minimumId value="resource-read-json-min"/> 
                <description value="Confirm that the returned Patient contains the SUBSETTED tag label to indicate the data is not suitable for use in a subsequent update operation."/>  
                <direction value="response"/>  
                <operator value="equals"/>  
                <path value=".meta.tag[?(@.system='http://hl7.org/fhir/v3/ObservationValue')].code"/>  
                <value value="SUBSETTED"/> 
                <description value="Complex rule assertion to evaluate returned Patient and determine only id, meta, text and mandatory elements were returned."/>  
                <direction value="response"/>  
                    <ruleId value="RulePatientSummaryText"/> 
    <test id="11-ReadFoundXMLSummaryText"> 
        <name value="ReadFoundXMLSummaryText"/>  
        <description value="Test the read operation with HTTP Header set to XML format and _summary request URL parameter set to text. The expected response content is the found Patient resource in XML format with only the narrative text and any mandatory elements. The returned resource should also contain the SUBSETTED tag label."/>  
                    <system value="http://hl7.org/fhir/testscript-operation-codes"/>  
                    <code value="read"/> 
                <resource value="Patient"/>  
                <description value="Patient read operation with HTTP Header set to XML format and _summary request URL parameter set to text."/>  
                <accept value="xml"/>  
                <contentType value="none"/>  
                <params value="/${ValidPatientResourceId}?_summary=text"/> 
                <description value="Confirm that the returned HTTP status is 200(OK)."/>  
                <direction value="response"/>  
                <responseCode value="200"/> 
                <description value="Confirm that the returned HTTP Header Content-Type is present."/>  
                <direction value="response"/>  
                <headerField value="Content-Type"/>  
                <operator value="notEmpty"/> 
                <description value="Confirm that the returned HTTP Header Content-Type contains the FHIR mime-type 'application/fhir+xml'."/>  
                <direction value="response"/>  
                <headerField value="Content-Type"/>  
                <operator value="contains"/>  
                <value value="application/fhir+xml"/> 
                <description value="Confirm that the returned HTTP Header Content-Type contains 'charset=utf-8' (case-insensitive)."/>  
                <direction value="response"/>  
                <headerField value="Content-Type"/>  
                <operator value="contains"/>  
                <value value="charset=utf-8"/> 
                <description value="Complex ruleset assertion to conditionally validate expected versioning HTTP Headers."/>  
                <direction value="response"/>  
                    <rulesetId value="ruleset-versioning-headers"/> 
                <warningOnly value="true"/> 
                <description value="Confirm that the returned resource type is Patient."/>  
                <direction value="response"/>  
                <resource value="Patient"/> 
                <description value="Confirm that the returned Patient conforms to the base FHIR specification."/>  
                <direction value="response"/>  
                <validateProfileId value="resource-profile"/> 
                <description value="Confirm that the returned Patient contains the minimum XML format."/>  
                <direction value="response"/>  
                <minimumId value="resource-read-xml-min"/> 
                <description value="Confirm that the returned Patient contains the SUBSETTED tag label to indicate the data is not suitable for use in a subsequent update operation."/>  
                <direction value="response"/>  
                <operator value="equals"/>  
                <path value="Patient/meta/tag[system/@value='http://hl7.org/fhir/v3/ObservationValue']/code"/>  
                <value value="SUBSETTED"/> 
                <description value="Complex rule assertion to evaluate returned Patient and determine only id, meta, text and mandatory elements were returned."/>  
                <direction value="response"/>  
                    <ruleId value="RulePatientSummaryText"/> 
    <test id="12-ReadFoundJSONSummaryData"> 
        <name value="ReadFoundJSONSummaryData"/>  
        <description value="Test the read operation with HTTP Header set to JSON format and _summary request URL parameter set to data. The expected response content is the found Patient resource in JSON format with data elements and no narrative text. The returned resource should also contain the SUBSETTED tag label."/>  
                    <system value="http://hl7.org/fhir/testscript-operation-codes"/>  
                    <code value="read"/> 
                <resource value="Patient"/>  
                <description value="Patient read operation with HTTP Header set to JSON format and _summary request URL parameter set to data."/>  
                <accept value="json"/>  
                <contentType value="none"/>  
                <params value="/${ValidPatientResourceId}?_summary=data"/> 
                <description value="Confirm that the returned HTTP status is 200(OK)."/>  
                <direction value="response"/>  
                <responseCode value="200"/> 
                <description value="Confirm that the returned HTTP Header Content-Type is present."/>  
                <direction value="response"/>  
                <headerField value="Content-Type"/>  
                <operator value="notEmpty"/> 
                <description value="Confirm that the returned HTTP Header Content-Type contains the FHIR mime-type 'application/fhir+json'."/>  
                <direction value="response"/>  
                <headerField value="Content-Type"/>  
                <operator value="contains"/>  
                <value value="application/fhir+json"/> 
                <description value="Confirm that the returned HTTP Header Content-Type contains 'charset=utf-8' (case-insensitive)."/>  
                <direction value="response"/>  
                <headerField value="Content-Type"/>  
                <operator value="contains"/>  
                <value value="charset=utf-8"/> 
                <description value="Complex ruleset assertion to conditionally validate expected versioning HTTP Headers."/>  
                <direction value="response"/>  
                    <rulesetId value="ruleset-versioning-headers"/> 
                <warningOnly value="true"/> 
                <description value="Confirm that the returned resource type is Patient."/>  
                <direction value="response"/>  
                <resource value="Patient"/> 
                <description value="Confirm that the returned Patient conforms to the base FHIR specification."/>  
                <direction value="response"/>  
                <validateProfileId value="resource-profile"/> 
                <description value="Confirm that the returned Patient contains the minimum JSON format."/>  
                <direction value="response"/>  
                <minimumId value="resource-read-json-min"/> 
                <description value="Confirm that the returned Patient contains the SUBSETTED tag label to indicate the data is not suitable for use in a subsequent update operation."/>  
                <direction value="response"/>  
                <operator value="equals"/>  
                <path value=".meta.tag[?(@.system='http://hl7.org/fhir/v3/ObservationValue')].code"/>  
                <value value="SUBSETTED"/> 
                <description value="Complex rule assertion to evaluate returned Patient and determine the text element was not returned."/>  
                <direction value="response"/>  
                    <ruleId value="RulePatientSummaryData"/> 
    <test id="13-ReadFoundXMLSummaryData"> 
        <name value="ReadFoundXMLSummaryData"/>  
        <description value="Test the read operation with HTTP Header set to XML format and _summary request URL parameter set to data. The expected response content is the found Patient resource in XML format with data elements and no narrative text. The returned resource should also contain the SUBSETTED tag label."/>  
                    <system value="http://hl7.org/fhir/testscript-operation-codes"/>  
                    <code value="read"/> 
                <resource value="Patient"/>  
                <description value="Patient read operation with HTTP Header set to XML format and _summary request URL parameter set to data."/>  
                <accept value="xml"/>  
                <contentType value="none"/>  
                <params value="/${ValidPatientResourceId}?_summary=data"/> 
                <description value="Confirm that the returned HTTP status is 200(OK)."/>  
                <direction value="response"/>  
                <responseCode value="200"/> 
                <description value="Confirm that the returned HTTP Header Content-Type is present."/>  
                <direction value="response"/>  
                <headerField value="Content-Type"/>  
                <operator value="notEmpty"/> 
                <description value="Confirm that the returned HTTP Header Content-Type contains the FHIR mime-type 'application/fhir+xml'."/>  
                <direction value="response"/>  
                <headerField value="Content-Type"/>  
                <operator value="contains"/>  
                <value value="application/fhir+xml"/> 
                <description value="Confirm that the returned HTTP Header Content-Type contains 'charset=utf-8' (case-insensitive)."/>  
                <direction value="response"/>  
                <headerField value="Content-Type"/>  
                <operator value="contains"/>  
                <value value="charset=utf-8"/> 
                <description value="Complex ruleset assertion to conditionally validate expected versioning HTTP Headers."/>  
                <direction value="response"/>  
                    <rulesetId value="ruleset-versioning-headers"/> 
                <warningOnly value="true"/> 
                <description value="Confirm that the returned resource type is Patient."/>  
                <direction value="response"/>  
                <resource value="Patient"/> 
                <description value="Confirm that the returned Patient conforms to the base FHIR specification."/>  
                <direction value="response"/>  
                <validateProfileId value="resource-profile"/> 
                <description value="Confirm that the returned Patient contains the minimum XML format."/>  
                <direction value="response"/>  
                <minimumId value="resource-read-xml-min"/> 
                <description value="Confirm that the returned Patient contains the SUBSETTED tag label to indicate the data is not suitable for use in a subsequent update operation."/>  
                <direction value="response"/>  
                <operator value="equals"/>  
                <path value="Patient/meta/tag[system/@value='http://hl7.org/fhir/v3/ObservationValue']/code"/>  
                <value value="SUBSETTED"/> 
                <description value="Complex rule assertion to evaluate returned Patient and determine the text element was not returned."/>  
                <direction value="response"/>  
                    <ruleId value="RulePatientSummaryData"/> 