Test Script

DescriptionExecutes an Order Select hook for a patient with medications. If Touchstone is selected as the requesting system (origin), a known example patient, Patient/ pat014 and medications Azathioprine, Methotrexate, and Tylenol PM are included in the Order-Select hook request. If a test system is selected as the requesting system (origin), the request should contain more than 1 medication. The expected result of the Order-Select is either no card or a card, either are acceptable responses.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<TestScript xmlns="http://hl7.org/fhir">  
    <id value="dv-crd-r4-order-select-generic"/>  
        <profile value="http://touchstone.aegis.net/touchstone/fhir/testing/StructureDefinition/testscript"/> 
        <status value="generated"/>  
        <div xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">  
            <p>Da Vinci - CRD - CDS Hooks 1.0 - FHIR R4 v4.0.1 - Order Select - Generic</p> 
    <extension url="http://touchstone.aegis.net/touchstone/fhir/testing/StructureDefinition/testscript-rule"> 
        <extension url="ruleId"> 
            <valueId value="rule-verify-card-required"/> 
        <extension url="path"> 
            <valueString value="/CDSHCommon/_reference/rule/AssertCardsAllRequired.groovy"/> 
    <url value="http://wildfhir.aegis.net/CDSH1-0/fhir4-0-1/TestScript/order-select-1"/>  
    <name value="Order Select Generic"/>  
    <title value="Da Vinci - CRD - CDS Hooks 1.0 - FHIR R4 v4.0.1 - Order Select - Generic"/>  
    <status value="active"/>  
    <date value="2021-07-15"/>  
    <publisher value="AEGIS.net, Inc."/>  
        <name value="Touchstone Support"/>  
            <system value="email"/>  
            <value value="Touchstone_Support@aegis.net"/>  
            <use value="work"/> 
    <description value="Executes an Order Select hook for a patient with medications.  If Touchstone is selected as the requesting system (origin), a known example patient, Patient/ pat014 and medications Azathioprine, Methotrexate, and Tylenol PM are included in the Order-Select hook request.  If a test system is selected as the requesting system (origin), the request should contain more than 1 medication.  The expected result of the Order-Select is either no card or a card, either are acceptable responses."/>  
    <copyright value="This FHIR Test Script is licensed under Creative Commons (CC0) 'No Rights Reserved'. Learn more at https://creativecommons.org/licenses"/>  
        <index value="1"/>  
            <system value="http://touchstone.com/fhir/testscript-profile-origin-types-extended"/>  
            <code value="CDSH-Client"/> 
        <index value="1"/>  
            <system value="http://touchstone.com/fhir/testscript-profile-destination-types-extended"/>  
            <code value="CDSH-Server"/> 
    <fixture id="order-select-1"> 
        <autocreate value="false"/>  
        <autodelete value="false"/>  
            <reference value="./_reference/resources/order-select-1.json"/> 
    <profile id="bundle-profile"> 
        <reference value="http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/Bundle"/> 
    <test id="Order-Select-Generic"> 
        <name value="Order-Select-Generic"/>  
        <description value="Executes an Order Select hook for a patient with medications. The expected result of the Order-Select is either no card or a card, either are acceptable responses."/>  
                    <system value="http://touchstone.com/cds-hooks/testscript-operation-codes"/>  
                    <code value="order-select"/> 
                <description value="Executes an Order Select hook for a patient with medications. The expected result of the Order-Select is either no card or a card, either are acceptable responses."/>  
                <accept value="json"/>  
                <contentType value="json"/>  
                <destination value="1"/>  
                <encodeRequestUrl value="true"/>  
                <origin value="1"/>  
                <sourceId value="order-select-1"/> 
                <description value="Confirm that the sent Accept format is of type json."/>  
                <direction value="request"/>  
                <headerField value="Accept"/>  
                <operator value="contains"/>  
                <value value="json"/>  
                <warningOnly value="false"/> 
                <description value="Confirm that the sent Content-Type format is of type json."/>  
                <direction value="request"/>  
                <headerField value="Content-Type"/>  
                <operator value="contains"/>  
                <value value="json"/>  
                <warningOnly value="false"/> 
                <extension url="http://touchstone.aegis.net/touchstone/fhir/testing/StructureDefinition/testscript-assert-stopTestOnFail"> 
                    <valueBoolean value="false"/> 
                <description value="Confirm that the returned HTTP status is 200(OK)."/>  
                <direction value="response"/>  
                <response value="okay"/>  
                <warningOnly value="false"/> 
                <description value="Confirm that the returned format is of type json."/>  
                <direction value="response"/>  
                <headerField value="Content-Type"/>  
                <operator value="contains"/>  
                <value value="json"/>  
                <warningOnly value="false"/> 
                <extension url="http://touchstone.aegis.net/touchstone/fhir/testing/StructureDefinition/testscript-assert-rule"> 
                    <extension url="ruleId"> 
                        <valueId value="rule-verify-card-required"/> 
                <description value="Verify all services contain the required and conditionally recommended fields."/>  
                <direction value="response"/>  
                <warningOnly value="false"/> 