Open Starter Basic* Project Enterprise Program
Free (Trial)
$250 / month
$2,500 / year
$5,000 / year
$25,000 / year
$100,000 / year
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Access to and ability to execute all Basic and Connectathon test scripts
Supported Supported Supported Supported Supported Supported
Access to and ability to execute test scripts created by the community (users outside your organization) as they are uploaded to Touchstone.
Supported Supported Supported Supported Supported Supported
Ability for users within your organization to create their own test scripts and upload/execute them in Touchstone
- Supported Supported Supported Supported Supported
Access to and ability to execute test scripts in the Advanced test groups as they are uploaded to Touchstone by AEGIS
- - Supported Supported Supported Supported
Integrated Development Environment for authoring Test Scripts and uploading them to Touchstone
- - - - Supported Supported
Test systems in organization can initiate or respond to message exchanges with other test systems
Supported Supported Supported Supported Supported Supported
Access to Analytics/Conformance screen in Touchstone
Supported Supported Supported Supported Supported Supported
Ability for users to publish their test results within Touchstone
- - Supported Supported Supported Supported
Ability for users within your organization to edit Conformance Suites in Touchstone
- - - - Supported Supported
A FHIR Reference Implementation that is built to your Org's requested FHIR version, which shall be available for your Org to use for testing and including if desired, validation services.
- - - - - Supported
Authorized Users in your Org may view the Dashboard Report
- - - - - Supported
Authorized Users in your Org may upload IG Validation Packages to your Org's Validator in Touchstone. One Validator is included with this feature.
- - - - Supported Supported
Authorized Users in your Org may upload IG Validation Packages to your Org's Validators in Touchstone. Two Validators instances are included with this feature.
- - - - - Supported
Ability to administer an Org Group and add organizations to the Org Group for aid in Implementation Support.
- - - - - Supported
Test executions can be launched and monitored via remote RESTful web services without the need for Touchstone UI
- - - - Supported Supported
Number of free seats provided at AEGIS's FHIR and Touchstone training sessions
- - 1 1 2 5
Different levels of support provided by AEGIS to subscribers
- 3 3 2 1 1
Access to Touchstone Support to address items related to those standards
- - - - Optional, at additional cost Supported
Maximum number of users that can register under the organization
Maximum number of organization reps that can register under the organization
Maximum number of test executions that can be launched by the organization per day
Maximum number of active test systems that can be used by the organization per day
Maximum number of test executions that can be launched by the organization at one time

*The Basic Subscription is limited to small / medium sized businesses that have under $10 million in revenue.

Is the subscription fee per user or per organization?

Is the subscription fee per user or per organization?

Subscription fees are per organization and can be paid monthly or annually. Subscription level dictates how many users an organization may setup within Touchstone.

What if I don't like the plan after I subscribe?

What if I don't like the plan after I subscribe?

You can cancel within 14 days of subscribing. Full refund will be issued.

Will the fee ever go up?

Will the fee ever go up?

Subscription fees may increase and are currently based on introductory discount rates. Organizations which subscribe annually or commit to additional yearly commitments will not be subject to price increases during the subscription period.

Will new Advanced test scripts be available to me?

Will new Advanced test scripts be available to me?

Yes, for subscribers at the Starter subscription level and above, they will be available to active subscibers.

When does my organization get charged for subscription fees?

When does my organization get charged for subscription fees?

Annual Subscribers will receive an invoice yearly. Monthly subscribers will be invoiced on the 1st of each month. Failure to pay invoices within 30 days will result in locking of the organization's user accounts until paid.

Can I change my subscription plan? Is there any cost to doing so?

Can I change my subscription plan? Is there any cost to doing so?

There is no extra fee for upgrading your plan.

If you upgrade from Starter to Project or Enterprise, the difference in fees will be pro-rated for that month.

If you downgrade from Enterprise to Project or Project to Starter, the new fee will be assessed at the end of the current annual contract.

If you cancel your subscription, the cancellation will take effect at the end of the contract. For monthly Starter subscribers, it will take place the following month. For annual subscribers, the cancellation will take place at the end of the current contract.

Will my organization have access to test scripts uploaded by other organizations?

Will my organization have access to test scripts uploaded by other organizations?

If an organization uploads test scripts and marks them as ”Can be viewed by Everyone”, then all organizations will have access to those test scripts.

If an organization uploads test scripts and marks them as ”Can be viewed by My organization groups”, then only organizations belonging to the same group as that organization will have access to those test scripts.

If an organization uploads test scripts and marks them as ”Can be viewed by My organization”, then only members of that organization will have access to those test scripts.

If an organization uploads test scripts and marks them as ”Can be viewed by Me”, then only the person that uploaded those test scripts will have access to them.

What does "Unlimited" really mean?

What does "Unlimited" really mean?

It means that AEGIS will allow as many (e.g. Test Executions) as Touchstone can handle.

What subscription level do I need to test my client implementation?

What subscription level do I need to test my client implementation?

To test your product in a client implementation, a Program level subscription is required.

Who is eligible to use the Basic Subscription?

Who is eligible to use the Basic Subscription?

The Basic subscription was added in an effort to allow small / medium sized businesses the opportunity to engage more in Touchstone functionality at a reasonable cost. It is available to small / medium sized businesses that are under $10 million in revenue.